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seminar in 2005, please email us at
Registration for this seminar in 2004 is now closed - to receive information
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seminar in 2005, please email us at
The last decade has provided creators with the tools to capture media in the digital domain, transform it and integrate it into new, unusual, and creative narratives that have been called “digital storytelling”. This seminar will introduce teachers to the basic elements of the craft, providing them with the conceptual and practical tools to explore its educational potential. The seminar is scheduled to run over two days, so that teachers may focus intensively on pedagogical aspects of digital storytelling on the first day, while learning its practical aspects on the second day.
What is digital storytelling? Digital Storytelling (DS) is the result of the combination of traditional modes of storytelling with digital technologies that allow for the seamless integration of images, sound, and video into the narrative. It is closely related to other narrative forms such as cinema, but provides options for interactivity and media integration that exceed traditional medium boundaries. The end product can take on many different forms, ranging from videos, through specially structured web pages, to interactive exploration “quests”.
Why is it an important educational tool? DS brings together different forms of media, and likewise provides ready integration of different areas of knowledge. The current workshop is targeted specifically towards the needs of teachers, and the knowledge and techniques gained by students can be applied in any curricular areas. Additionally, DS puts special emphasis on providing learners with tools to communicate knowledge on their own terms: a learner that can create individualized ways of communicating their knowledge operates at a much higher competency level than one that can only mimic established ways to achieve this goal. Finally, DS provides a way for learners with different learning styles to achieve mastery of the same content: learners can choose different types of media as the focus of their DS projects in ways that best match their personal learning styles.
What will teachers learn? Teachers will learn the conceptual basis for digital storytelling, as well as how it can best be integrated into classroom practice. They will learn the basics of key authoring tools, and will have the opportunity to use these tools for the creation of a project. Finally, they will learn how to set out clear expectations for DS projects, as well as how to evaluate the results.
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© 2004 Ruben R. Puentedura